Best Answer. 4- Why was the cab driver so rude to Amir? Why? It was none of these reasons, they moved for one primary reason. Being the rich young boy that Amir was, he felt he could get away with anything and that he is allowed to be mischievous. He still adjusting to life in America. That is why Baba forgives Hassan and Ali immediately when he finds out that Hassan has stolen the items, and also cries for the first time when Ali and Hassan are leaving the house. Pakol? Secondly, why did Amir and Baba move America? Baba, as Rahim Khan explains in his note, felt guilty over his rich, privileged life because Hassan was not able to share in it. 3. Amir changes too. Baba And Amir Relationship Analysis. 6. Amir - The protagonist and narrator of the novel, Amir is a wealthy boy who grows up in Kabul, Afghanistan with a sense of entitlement. When Amir and Baba move to the states their relationship changes, and Amir begins to view his father as a more complex man. a friend of Baba's in America, father to Soraya, waiting to be called back into service in Afghanistan. Amir can talk to his father and Baba gives Amir more attention. Yes, ANE, he did loose all of his status, and he is therefore more relatable to Amir, but this is only half of the reasion. Kite Runner: Chapters 11-15. What did Amir decide to study in college? What resulted was ten years of a stalemate with both the Soviet army and the mujahideen able to move about the country as they please. Amir and Baba's relationship changes throughout the novel. He is a successful business man, even throughout the hardships of life in Afghanistan. What job did Baba get? The day Baba gets a job, he goes to the welfare office and returns his food stamps. Baba and Amir leave Afghanistan for the US via Pakistan because of the Soviet invasion. The Kite Runner: American Dream. Baba and Amir are living in California, but Baba, who is working at a gas station, is having a difficult time adjusting to life in this country. Amir the Grown Man in Kabul, Afghanistan 2001 His time in America has distanced him from the atrocities of war in Afghanistan. Amir is confessing his guiltiness indirectly, in the form of a cry for help. How did Baba feel about Amir's decision? Safely located in America, Amir and Baba had no idea of what was yet to come. Baba mentions Hassan, wishing he were with them, and the name momentarily chokes Amir. Amir tells Baba he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. The ride makes Amir sick, and he worries he is embarrassing Baba. When the Soviets invade and Amir and his father flee the country for a new life in California, Amir thinks that he has escaped his past. Baba is used to living an upper class lifestyle then a lower class one and also the Kabul lifestyle then the American one. Best Answer. When Amir and Baba move to the States their relationship changes, and Amir begins to view . Discuss the changes in their . What did Baba give Amir for his birthday? Baba and Amir leave Afghanistan for the US via Pakistan because of the Soviet invasion.Baba couldn't stomach the idea of his country being ruined physically and ideologially by the Communists; so he leaves before it is too late. Quotes. . Amir and Baba's relationship does change after they come to America, but not because they came to America, we're not that cool:) First, Baba changed. 2. Amir reveals that Baba works at a gas station. This curriculum unit will include study guide questions as well as project ideas and lesson plans for the novel. It is not until Baba and Amir escape to America together that their relationship becomes a more solid one. Copy. Afghans Leave Due to War In 1982 " 2.8 million Afghans have fled from the war to Pakistan, and another 1.5 million have fled to Iran". Click to see full answer Subsequently, one may also ask, why did Amir and Baba move to America? Baba sees Amir back down from challenges by other boys, and notices that the . In 1961 my grandpa's twin brother started the trend for my family moving here for a higher education. He goes from being one of the wealthiest . . He betrayed Hassan for his father's full attention. However, when Rahim Kahn explains Baba's situation and why he acted this way, Amir starts to understand Baba, and he forgives him. Baba finds something to be proud of Amir for. Where does Baba work? Amir had killed Baba's 'princess'; he lived while his mother died. What is the significance? When he no longer has his wealth, his guilt diminishes, and with Hassan not around, he is not straining uncomfortably to act one way with Amir and another with Hassan. Throughout the story of The Kite Runner, Amir's unstable relationship with Baba portrays the transformation Amir undergoes in the three central stages of his life: his childhood, his arrival to America, and his response to Baba's death. He goes from having wealth and a position of power to working a . Amir sees America to bury his memories from Kabul and Baba sees to mourn his Kabul memories. 8-Describe Amir's dream. The novel ends with Amir kite running for Hassan's son, Sohrab, as he begins a new life with Amir in America. He still adjusting to life in America. . What did Baba and Amir do to . Amir happens upon a horrific scene in the alleyway while looking for Hassan, who has just run down a kite, the crowning jewel of Amir's kite-fighting victory. Why did the author say he "embraced America"? The story skips forward in time, and Baba and Amir have been living in Fremont, California for almost two years. As a capitalistic businessman, his life and Amir's would have been in danger. As well as that, Baba is described as looking tired and grim, His wife's death is unsurprisingly taking a toll on him. For Amir, America meant being free from a past that dominated his life. Copy. Amir then receives the closer bond with his father that he always wanted. Amir then receives the closer bond with his father that he always wanted. While Baba is working, Amir is attending high school, and then graduates. This is why for Amir the move is a positive one, unlike Baba he was not a successful person in Afghanistan therefore he has the ability to adapt and make a new life in America.In conclusion, the novel explains the statement 'Baba loved the idea of America. Amir can talk to his father and Baba gives Amir more attention. 5. Baba understood that he could not disguise his political views and did not want to be oppressed in his home country of Afghanistan. The Kite Runner Socratic Seminar: . Admittedly he has trouble suppressing his guilt. It was living in America." (125) 1982. The move to America is very difficult for Baba, who is used to being wealthy and well-respected in his community. Amir tells the reader during his dream that he 'can never tell Baba . How do Baba and Amir see America different? Amir and Baba's relationship: All of these questions are around the same idea, to provoke your thoughts, don't have to write about all of . Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, the relationship between Amir and Baba has many ups and downs, the reader sees it broaden as Amir grows older and it is clear that deep down their relationship is strong. Baba's level of influence on Amir differs in these stages and . Baba considers it petty and not an actual job. Explore the relationship between Amir and Baba. Amir and Baba are in the back of a truck with several other Afghans on the way to Pakistan. Because they can't trust anyone, they left home in the middle of the night. Why do you think the author chooses to frame the . ran away with a man at 18, works at the flea market, father: General Sahib . They come to the United States . The Kite Runner. (p. 136) 8. It is about the bonds between fathers and sons, and the power of their . In order to save himself and Amir, Baba made the decision to . The move to America is very difficult for Baba, who is used to being wealthy and well-respected in his community. It meant respite from the guilt and regret that plagued him in Afghanistan, "America was different. Standard. He then earns it when Hassan and Ali move out and Baba and Amir move to America. 4. In Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner, Amir, the narrator, and his father, Baba are forced to flee their home country of Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan War. 7. In America , Amir is also now . All of this led up to having most of my family and extended family moving to America. 3. Although the Soviets controlled major cities and political centers, they were unable to fully take over and gain control. Answer the following questions in your journal, entry #___ (see AP checklist or MASH checklist), quantities are specified after each question.Complete on one side of one sheet of paper in your journal (1 page total) . Rahim is also aware that Hassan is Baba's son. As Amir peers into the alley, he witnesses a tragedy. How do Baba and Amir see America different? One day at a convenience store where he often shops, Baba overturns a magazine rack in anger that the manager asked to see his ID when . A person should always try to tell the truth no matter what. . For Baba, the move to America is less positive. 2. They are living in Fremont, California. The reason that he should have told Amir is because it is the right thing to do. Was it because of: better wages, more land, famine in their land or religious freedom. A manger at a gas station. This image sums it up: "Baba's face drawn and pale under the bright fluorescent lights" (11.28). He no longer acts like a little kid. As much as Amir wants to be swept up in the "river" of America, he is still rooted to Afghan tradition there because of the large community of refugees. Posted on April 20, 2013 by waverlyh. Baba is used to living an upper class lifestyle then a lower class one and also the Kabul lifestyle then the American one. Amir is . "The Kite Runner," a book by Khaled Hosseini discusses the bonds between friendship and parents and children. However, he was also aware that the boy . After Baba had escaped to America he had asked Rahim to keep care of his place. Why did the author say he "embraced America"? In the book The Kite Runner Rahim Kahn had been best friends with Baba and Amir. The story, once again, has jumped; Amir and Baba finally make their way to America and settle down as new emigrants. Just as Baba was a good businessman, he was also an amazing father. It reveals that Amirs mother is not around any longer- later it is found out to have died in childbirth. The third, family friend Rahim Khan, and Amir as a newborn baby being held by his father. Amir became what he is today through Baba's upbringing and his surroundings. The novel begins with Amir's memory of peering down an alley, looking for Hassan who is kite running for him. Why? Lastly, Amir's character was greatly influenced by his move to America. Kite Runner (Step One) Discuss both the irony and the significance of Hassan's favourite story "Rostam and Sorab". The story Amir reads to Hassan is ironic because it is about a boy who is desperately wishing to gain his father's approval and respect. For a while, Baba and Amir were on welfare. Baba and Amir have been living there for . The Kite Runner is a novel about friendship, betrayal, and the price of loyalty. He taught Amir good values sacrificed his life in Kabul . Copy. Baba's level of influence on Amir differs in these stages and . The Kite Runner Study Guide Page 9 3- What is a burqa? What did Baba and Amir do to . 7. America was a river, roaring along, unmindful of the past. 6-How did Farid's brother Wahid treat Amir? In the book The Kite Runner Rahim Kahn had been best friends with Baba and Amir. Where did they move to after Pakistan? Baba likes the idea of America, but he has a hard time adjusting to the culture shock. Wake Up Your Students With "The Kite Runner". 6. He works a twelve-hour shift six days a week. Amir's relationship with Baba is unique because right from the start Baba never accepted that Amir was his son. (p. 136) 8. Baba gets angry and throws the idea back into Amir's face, but Amir . Even after two years of living in the States, Baba still finds the transition difficult, just as any other first . America acts as a place for Amir to rehash his memories and as a place for Baba to mourn his. Where does Baba work? As a capitalistic businessman, his life and Amir's would have been in danger. 9- Amir planted money under the mattress just like he did twenty-six years before. The contradictory relationship between Baba and Amir is built on their different attitudes towards each other, when baba's attitude towards Amir has changed by Amir's success in the kite running tournament, their unharmonious relationship becomes brighter. In addition, when Amir and Baba move to America, the whole class system is diminished and people accept one another for who they are, not according to the class . 5. But in America, he was poor and forced to work hard for a better life. Then, where did Amir live in America? Amir is Baba's son and he deserves to know of his father's mistakes as well. Hassan didn't tell his father that it was Amir's idea. Baba "loved the idea of America. 4. It is March 1981. While two neighborhood boys hold down Hassan, a nearly-demonic boy named Assef rapes Hassan. As Amir will surmise later, Baba may feel closer to Amir in America because Amir is more like Hassan there, struggling, no longer protected by privilege. And yet he cannot leave the memory of Hassan behind him. Essay examples. Rich surroundings made Amir feel superior. The novel starts out with Amir doing whatever he could to win his father's attention, which includes betraying his best friend, Hassan. However, when Rahim Kahn explains Baba's situation and why he acted this way, Amir starts to understand Baba, and he forgives him. The rafiqs, or comrades as Amir calls them, have divided society. The contradictory relationship between Baba and Amir is built on their different attitudes towards each other, when baba's attitude towards Amir has changed by Amir's success in the kite running tournament, their unharmonious relationship becomes brighter. A manger at a gas station. Baba influenced Amir in positive and negative ways. Why didn't he want food stamps? As a graduation present, Amir receives a car. Themes. This series focuses on The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini as a curriculum unit and as a tool to promote independent thinking. Baba's decision about not telling his son that Hassan was his half brother was both good and bad. Throughout the story of The Kite Runner, Amir's unstable relationship with Baba portrays the transformation Amir undergoes in the three central stages of his life: his childhood, his arrival to America, and his response to Baba's death. . What did Amir decide to study in college? What job did Baba get? Why didn't he want food stamps? It is not until Baba and Amir escape to America together that their relationship becomes a more solid one. This isn't true of course, when the boys were disturbing the neighbors, Hassan's father, Ali, scolded Hassan. 5-Why didn't the women make eye contact? Baba couldn't stomach the idea of his country being ruined physically and ideologially by the Communists; so he leaves before it is too late. Ali and Hassan leave Amir and Baba's house mainly because Amir had framed Hassan of theft and Hassan knew that if Baba found out that it was actually Amir, he . In the middle of the book Baba and Amir had to flee to Fremont, California to escape the Soviet Invasion leaving Hassan and his father in a dreadful destiny. In fact . He goes from having wealth and a . Yes it did, their relationship became closer than when they were living in Kabul. Through the many characters in the novel, Baba stands out in the eye. Here are the . Rahim is also aware that Hassan is Baba's son. Amir embraces America and all it has to offer as a means to escape the ghost of Hassan that was haunting his life in Afghanistan. 7- What did Amir give the children? When Hassan was a child Rahim Kahn had watched him grow up and knew that he deserved to have more. Amir manipulates his privileged upbringing over his servant and loyal best friend, Hassan, whose aid he fails to come to when Hassan is being raped by older boys after a kite-fighting tournament. Where did they move to after Pakistan? When Hassan was a child Rahim Kahn had watched him grow up and knew that he deserved to have more.

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