B Cell Leukemias: There are several different types of lymphoid leukemias. See the following list of common conditions that are secondary to Agent Orange exposure. Respiratory Cancers. More Diseases Associated With Agent Orange. Agent Orange also caused enormous environmental damage in Vietnam. If you are going to service connect sleep apnea, Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange suffer from sleep apnea. secondary diseases you can file a claim for. First of all, hypertension cannot be secondary to Agent Orange exposure, because exposure to Agent Orange (herbicide really) isn't a compensable condition. Thanks! Agent Orange is a chemical defoliant that was sprayed by the U.S. during the Vietnam War to kill plants and clear land. Nomenclature is very important when working with VA so it helps for you to understand the language. For example, veterans who served in Vietnam and certain other areas are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange. You must provide your name, e-mail address, telephone and/or fax number, and VA file number/Social Security Number. Hypertensive vascular disease. The DVA assumption is inconsistent with the scientific principles governing determinations of disease causation. The VA began recognizing diseases associated with herbicide exposure in Vietnam in 1991, naming 14 diseases as presumed to be linked to exposure, including Hodgkin's disease, multiple myeloma, non . You can also call the Agent Orange Help Line at 1-800-749-8387 or send an e-mail to GW/AOHelpline@vba.va.gov. Agent Orange & Kidney Disease: What Vietnam Veterans Should Know. However, the most common symptoms include the following: Increased thirst Frequent urination Increased hunger Unintended weight loss Fatigue Blurred vision Slow-healing sores Frequent infections Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck The same applies to veterans who served in or near the Korean demilitarized zone between 1968 and 1971. Arteriosclerotic heart disease. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Peripheral Neuropathy, Early- Onset. Aside from liver cancer, the U.S. Veterans Administration also found that Agent . For an evaluation of your case at no cost to you, call the nationwide veterans disability attorneys of Bosley & Bratch at (727) 274-9215 or fill out our free evaluation form. This exposure places veterans in a high risk category for developing hypertension, ischemic heart disease (otherwise known as coronary artery disease) and other heart disorders. The CDC notes that AO causes a higher risk of leukemia, lymphoma, throat cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, soft tissue sarcoma and liver cancer. TCDD is a dioxin that easily enters the body through touch or ingestion. The following conditions on the VA Presumptive List for Agent Orange qualify if they manifest at any time to any degree unless otherwise specified. The presumptive diseases include: Chronic B-Cell Leukemia Hodgkin's Disease Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Prostate Cancer Respiratory Cancers Soft Tissue Sarcomas We will do our best to respond within a reasonable amount of time (usually 3 to 10 workdays). Porphyria Cutanea Tarda. These conditions can produce secondary effects that can cause stroke and/or heart attacks, which, can be very disabling. The . A . Secondary hypertension, or high blood pressure due to an underlying condition, may be caused by several medical conditions and medications, including some that a Veteran may already be receiving VA . Under 38 CFR § 4.104, the VA rates ischemic heart disease (i.e. If your husband died from any of the diseases under agent orange and it is listed as the cause of death on his death certificate, the VA rep can access and reopen . To get compensation for your heart condition, you . CALL US TO GET STARTED. Cardiovascular disabilities include ischemic heart disease, hypertension and other conditions affecting the cardiac system. Ischemic heart disease. Hodgkin's disease. Agent Orange Exposure and Secondary Conditions Most Veterans eligible for benefits due to Agent Orange exposure either have presumptive conditions or directly service-related conditions. Secondary Service Connections In the body, TCDD travels to the cell nucleus where it damages genetic material. Exposure to it can cause multiple cancers as well as other diseases and health problems. Veterans with ischemic heart disease who were exposed to herbicides during service may be eligible for disability compensation and health care.. Veterans who served in Vietnam, the Korean demilitarized zone or another area where Agent Orange was sprayed may be eligible for a free Agent Orange registry health exam. Parkinson's disease is currently listed as a presumptive condition for veterans who served: in Vietnam (including aboard a ship on the inland waterways) for any length of time between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, or.. What is the compensation for Agent Orange? 1. 855-855-8992. Presumptive diseases are those with a strong service connection to dioxin. VA benefits for ischemic heart disease. The term "condition" is used to describe any physical or mental health problem you may have. The USDVA presumes that 14 different diseases and disorders are related to Agent Orange exposure when diagnosed in "boots-on-the-ground" veterans and certain other veterans groups. Multiple Myeloma. We will do our best to respond within a reasonable amount of time (usually 3 to 10 workdays). Prostate cancer and . The most distinguishing effects of dioxin poisoning are: a. chloracne b. liver dysfunction c. severe personality. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam while on active duty are eligible for disability compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as long as they were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. If you have a disease caused by the exposure to Agent Orange contact a service officer. We call these "presumptive diseases." VA added 3 more presumptive conditions related to Agent Orange exposure. The development of cancer is one of the primary issues, and many different types have been linked to Agent Orange. What does the VA require for a secondary claim to my ischemic heart disease? Free Guide Books. Presumptive Service Connection 38 CFR § 3.307 - Presumptive service connection for chronic, tropical, or prisoner-of-war related disease, disease associated . How to Claim a Secondary Condition. Last year, ischemic heart disease, Parkinson's disease and B-cell leukemia were added to the list of diseases the VA associates with Agent Orange exposure. Erectile dysfunction. Agent orange has been linked to a number of serious illnesses, denoted as agent orange secondary conditions, including many types of cancer and other respiratory diseases. Currently, the list of health conditions associated with Agent Orange exposure includes the following: AL amyloidosis Bladder Cancer Leukemia Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Hypothyroidism Ischemic Heart Disease Diabetes Mellitus, Type II Parkinson's Disease Parkinson's-like Symptoms . One of the most common diseases that veterans exposed to AO developed is diabetes. Secondary Conditions are disabling injuries, illnesses or diseases that may be caused or aggravated by your existing service connected conditions. Sometimes a service-connected condition leads to another disabling condition, or exacerbates a non-service related condition. Post. In addition, VA presumes certain birth defects in children of Vietnam and Korea Veterans are associated with Veterans' qualifying military service. Cancer of the blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes are all considered Agent Orange symptoms. You could also get your kidney disease rated as a secondary condition if you have service-connected diabetes. Diabetes mellitus type 2. The National Defense Authorization Act, approved Jan. 1, added the three conditions to the list of diseases associated with exposure to Agent Orange and other defoliants used during the Vietnam War. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The VA evaluates cardiovascular conditions using the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities, diagnostic codes 7000 through 7123. The VA has added ischemic heart disease as a disability associated with Agent Orange exposure. This disease can cause a variety of secondary problems to include neuropathy to the limps, kidney disease, cataracts, etc. Parkinson's Disease. The US Department of Veteran's Affairs has determined that there are many conditions that veterans from the Vietnam era suffer are directly related to Agent Orange exposure and are eligible for treatment and compensation. Each disease is rated from 5% to 100%, then the VA has its own math to figure how disabled you are on each disease. Veterans may be eligible for service-connected disability compensation for diseases the VA has recognized as associated with exposure to Agent Orange if they served in Vietnam between Jan. 9, 1962-May 7, 1975; veterans who served in certain . Agent Orange Exposure has been connected to a number of conditions. Diseases Subject to Presumptive & Secondary Conditions. Veterans can be awarded service-connected disability compensation for various heart conditions. (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision 331.0) is a progressive, neurodegenerative form of dementia that is characterized by memory loss, confusion, mood changes, social withdrawal, and deteriorating . For many veterans, exposure to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals is presumed by the VA based on when and where they served in the military. Type 2 diabetes is included on the list of presumptive conditions for veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange during their service. Secondary Conditions due to Agent Orange Exposure Causation of a condition can be two-step process. During its operation, the Settlement Fund distributed a total of $197 million in cash payments to members of the class in the . Veterans who served in the Vietnam War are likely aware of the health effects of Agent Orange. A progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects muscle movement. In 2019, Jim's Reply: To claim a secondary condition requires scientific medical evidence that there is a cause and effect or nexus occurring between a rated condition and a claimed secondary condition. While the literature is always changing, here is a list of cancers that have been shown to have some link to agent orange: Soft tissue sarcoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) One of our VA disability lawyers goes over the Agent Orange Presumptive Conditions list in this video: Likewise, veterans with Parkinson's disease are more likely to develop cardiovascular problems and other secondary conditions. Jul 09, 2008 #2. The list of diseases that are related to effects of Agent Orange and dioxin is so long. It could be secondary to some other condition but, you haven't suggested anything. Agent Orange Claims: Secondary Service Connection Importance Schedule a Free Consultation 866-282-5260 Agent Orange Claims and Secondary Service Connection Tucker Disability Law March 25, 2021 Vietnam veterans have claimed for years that their exposure to Agent Orange damaged their health as well as their childrens' health. The VA has identified a list of diseases that it accepts as having been caused by Agent Orange. FREE Guide Books . 5. Agent Orange contains a toxic contaminant known as TCDD, classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a human carcinogen (causes cancer). The VA and BVA deny 76% of Sleep Apnea claims. 7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. master:2022-04-19_10-08-26. Agent Orange linked to 14 conditions. This is a free health exam for Veterans who meet any of the above service requirements for presumption of contact. The toxic herbicide Agent Orange, used in massive quantities in the Vietnam War, has been directly linked to the development of Parkinson's disease, multiple forms of cancer, and other major health issues. The Department of Defense is having . the original condition was service-connected and 2.) Though Agent Orange is not directly linked to COPD, it is linked to other conditions and many cancers. You must provide your name, e-mail address, telephone and/or fax number, and VA file number/Social Security Number. Some examples include the following: Peripheral Neuropathy Secondary to Diabetes Mellitus Type II Peripheral neuropathy is one of the most common conditions secondary to diabetes. Agent Orange was a herbicide and defoliant used in Vietnam. To be able to successfully claim a secondary condition, you must prove that 1.) You can also call the Agent Orange Help Line at 1-800-749-8387 or send an e-mail to GW/AOHelpline@vba.va.gov. It's not just myeloma that affects blood count. Prostate Cancer. The . Today the U.S. Veterans Administration recognizes that exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service is the probable cause of these types of cancer in Vietnam veterans: Chronic B-cell leukemias; Hodgkin lymphoma . Arterial sclerosis obliterans. Veterans' Diseases Associated with Agent Orange VA assumes that certain diseases can be related to a Veteran's qualifying military service. Charities We Support; Locations We Serve; Types of Claims. AL Amyloidosis: A rare disease caused when an abnormal protein, amyloid, enters tissues or organs. Disability Caused by Illness, Combat or Injury Incurred in the Service. Chloracne. Agent Orange Symptoms and Effects. The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that Agent Orange has affected 3 million Vietnamese people, including at . the secondary condition was definitely caused by the original service-connected condition. Cancers: Bladder Cancer (new 2021) Chronic B-cell Leukemia; Hodgkin's Disease; Multiple Myeloma; Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma; Prostate Cancer Exposure to Agent Orange Between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, you must . Hypertension Secondary to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Below is the list of health conditions the VA recognizes as service-connected for Vietnam veterans based on exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides. None, based on what you've said. The list of diseases below are the diseases . Agent Orange; Mental Health Conditions; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Sleep Apnea; TDIU; Free Resources. You also have to . Bone cancer, leukaemia, circulatory disorders may also be responsible for that. A group of cancers that affect the lymph glands and other lymphatic tissue. When filing claims, it is also important to consider if any of your Agent Orange connected conditions caused a secondary condition. Diseases Associated with Exposure to Agent Orange. Presumptive diseases for Agent Orange exposure. Some of the most well-known symptoms of Agent Orange are the diseases that result from exposure to this herbicide.

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